Struggling to pick the perfect PPC agency? It’s a common problem. This article lists seven key questions to help you choose wisely.

1. What previous experience do you have in my niche?

Moving from the basics, it’s essential to scrutinise a PPC agency’s history with your specific online business model. The right match hinges on their grasp of your unique goals rather than just broad industry tags.

This involves looking at their track record with similar businesses, understanding how they’ve harnessed Google Ads and SEO to drive brand awareness and customer engagement for those clients.

Seeking out customer references becomes crucial here. Don’t hesitate to request contact details for both current and former clients. Chatting directly with these references sheds light on the average duration of client relationships the agency maintains, particularly noting if they have multiple clients who’ve stuck around for 2-5 years or longer.

This step not only assures you of their expertise in pay-per-click advertising but also signals strong client relationships and an appreciation for customising strategies to fit distinct business needs.

2. How do you determine your pricing?

After exploring the agency’s niche experience, it’s crucial to understand how they handle pricing. Agencies might charge a percentage of your advertising spend, set hourly rates, or offer monthly retainer fees.

They could also propose performance-based payments if they’re confident in their ability to deliver results. This approach ensures that you pay more directly for tangible success in search engine marketing efforts like Google AdWords campaigns and social media advertising.

It’s vital to ask if there’s a minimum budget requirement and why it exists. An honest agency will explain how this aligns with ensuring quality service level agreements (SLAs) and effective ad campaign management across platforms such as Facebook and Bing.

They should be clear about where every penny of your budget goes, including specifics on cost per click (CPC), automation strategies for bidding, and maintaining visibility over all campaign data.

Discussing these details helps ensure transparency and builds trust between you and the PPC agency, allowing for a partnership that strives for higher return on investment (ROI) through focused keyword research, targeting strategies, and diligent monitoring of analytics.

3. Who will be managing my account?

Finding out who will directly handle your account is crucial. This person or team plays a vital role in the success of your PPC campaigns, from ad copy creation to analysing click-through rates.

Ensure they have proper certifications and are skilled with necessary tools like Google’s suite and Microsoft Advertising. It shows their expertise in managing pay-per-click efforts effectively.

You should also ask about the agency’s internal structure. Know if a dedicated customer success manager will oversee your projects or if you’ll work with various freelancers. This knowledge helps set expectations and ensures clear communication lines for discussing performance metrics, sales goals, and strategies to improve return on investment (ROI).

Choosing an agency that aligns its team structure with your needs can make a significant difference in achieving digital marketing success.

4. What do you need from me?

To make sure your PPC campaign is successful, we’ll need a few things from you. First, confirm you own the AdWords account and have the billing details sorted. This step is crucial for getting everything up and running smoothly.

You give us the keys, and we start driving towards getting your ads in front of your target audience.

Next up, understanding how we operate daily can really grease the wheels. We focus on managing and improving your account – think A/B testing landing pages, tweaking ad copy, and adjusting bids to keep costs down while aiming for higher ROI.

Your insights into what makes your brand tick can help us customise these tasks even better. Knowing more about your online retailer or brick-and-mortar shop helps us create ads that speak directly to those looking for what you offer.

5. How will you reduce excess spending?

Cutting down on wasted spend is vital for the health of your pay-per-click campaigns. A good PPC agency will use automation to manage your adverts more effectively. They know that machines can handle bidding and budget allocation with great precision, often better than humans.

This approach ensures that every penny goes towards bids that are more likely to convert into sales or leads.

Experience in automated bidding systems plays a key role here. Agencies with this skill can fine-tune your advertising campaigns to target longer search phrases, also known as long tail keywords.

These are less competitive but highly specific, meaning they attract visitors who are closer to making a purchase decision. This strategy improves return on investment (ROI) by focusing on cost per conversion and reduces unnecessary expenditure across social media platforms and other online ad spaces.

6. What is your communication style?

Finding the right PPC agency is like looking for a new business ally. One key feature to consider is how they talk with clients. Expect them to have clear, regular meetings scheduled with you.

These catch-ups are crucial for sharing ideas and setting goals together. An effective PPC partner should offer routine calls, either on the phone or through video chats, focusing on your aims and how the campaign is moving forward.

Another vital aspect of communication involves reports about your pay-per-click campaign’s outcomes. Your agency should provide easy-to-understand updates that help you see how their efforts are paying off in terms of search engine visibility, click-through rates, and other important metrics such as bounce rate and cost-per-acquisition.

This way, you’ll always be in the loop about where your investment stands and what adjustments might be needed to hit all your targets effectively.

7. How will you help me out-perform my competition?

Our agency uses advanced keyword research to find terms that your competitors might miss. We create long and diverse lists of keywords using several searching tools. This approach ensures we cover all possible angles in your niche, improving your SEO and PPC strategies.

With deeper insights into what potential customers are looking for, we can tailor your ads to meet their needs more accurately than others.

We also focus on competitive analysis with a logical and transparent method. This allows us to identify where other advertisers in your sector may be falling short or not investing enough.

By understanding these gaps, we adjust our strategy for PPC campaigns, aiming to boost your return on investment (ROI). Alongside this, we apply special techniques to handle any decrease in ROI from Smart Shopping campaigns effectively.

Our goal is clear: improve your visibility online and drive more customers to both brick-and-mortar businesses and online platforms through targeted SEO efforts and tactical pay-per-click advertising.

Bonus considerations

When it comes to choosing a PPC agency, there are additional factors to consider. Consider the type of reporting you will receive, the frequency of communication, and the specific performance metrics that will be put in place to track progress.

These bonus considerations play a crucial role in ensuring a successful partnership between your business and the chosen agency.

What reporting will we get?

Your PPC agency should give you clear reports. These will show how your pay-per-click campaigns are doing. Expect details on click-through rates, the cost per click, and overall spend.

They’ll also cover how these factors impact your return of investment (ROI). Good reports make it easy to see if you’re getting value for money.

Service level agreements (SLAs) set out what reporting you’ll receive and when. Look for agencies like Vertical Leap that provide regular updates on search engine optimisation (SEO) alongside PPC performance.

Your reports will match up with goals set at the start, showing success or where improvements are needed. Make sure these documents avoid technical terms that could confuse. Clear communication helps in understanding your customer journey better through data from cookies and big data analysis without bogging down in jargon.

How often will we have calls?

Expect to have regular check-ins with the PPC agency. These discussions focus on ideas and goals to improve your pay-per-click campaigns. They form a critical part of communication, similar to building a partnership for business success.

Chris, an expert from PPC Geeks, highlights that combining business skills with digital marketing knowledge is key during these calls.

Calls usually happen through phone or video conferencing platforms. This ensures clear discussion about progress and any adjustments needed for better ROI (return on investment). Keeping in touch helps both parties stay aligned and can prevent unnecessary spending while aiming to boost click-through rates.

Moving forward, let’s discuss what performance metrics will be set in place.

What performance metrics will you put in place?

Choosing the right measurements is key. We focus on metrics that match your goals and clearly show success. Click through rate, conversion rate, and quality score are some examples.

These numbers help you see how well your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns perform. They also make it easy to spot where we can cut unnecessary spending.

Your agency will use tools for automation in managing your PPC tasks efficiently. Automated bidding takes this further by finding the best cost-per-click that fits within your budget.

This method ensures you spend money wisely while aiming for higher search engine rankings and better visibility online without wasting resources.


Finding the right PPC firm can shine a spotlight on your brand in online spaces, mainly through Google AdWords. Asking key questions lets you uncover an agency’s ability to boost your search engine placement and manage ads well.

An effective company will align with your goals, respect your budget, and open clear lines of talk. This selection shapes how well your pay-per-click campaigns perform and impacts the broader success of your digital marketing efforts.

Make sure they show proven results and listen carefully to their answers; this helps ensure they’re the best fit for lifting up your business online.


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